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Putting early intervention at the heart of a children’s agenda - EIF national conference 2020
Introduction to early intervention: what is it, why it matters, and what does EIF do?
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) - breakout session at EIF national conference 2020
Welcome from EIF - Dr Jo Casebourne at EIF national conference 2020
Disadvantage in the early years - breakout session at EIF national conference 2020
Understanding the evidence on intervention in the early years
Grit, character and resilience - breakout session at EIF national conference 2020
Launch of 'Realising the potential of early intervention - introduction & speakers
Early Intervention Foundation (EIF)
Ministerial keynote - Vicky Ford MP at EIF national conference 2020
Closing remarks - Prof Nick Pearce at EIF national conference 2020
EYFS Early Adopters 2020: Facebook Live discussion